Photographers of GEORGIA! Now you can share your photography achievements with others! To make it possible for you to share your achievements with the world, a special online survey has been designed by the EU-funded project “SAY CHEESE!”. It will take you not more than twenty minutes to answer all questions. Your answers will help national associations of photographers from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to evaluate results of the SAY CHEESE project and come up with ideas of how to develop photography in their countries based on the actual needs of photographers.
In the survey, you will be offered to share your photography achievements for the past three years, as well as to tell about new knowledge and skills, contracts, prestigious qualifications or publicity that you might have gained in your country and beyond it.
You will be able to point out what went well and what went wrong in the SAY CHEESE project, as well as to put forward your suggestions on how to improve such photo projects in the future. You will also have a chance to assess effectiveness of national photo associations in the course of the SAY CHEESE project and share with them your ideas for their further activities.
If you care about development of photography in your country, if you want more useful and interesting events for photographers to be organized in your country, and if you want to be among participants and organizers of such events, you are welcome to fill in the survey!
The survey is available until 25 June in Russian, Romanian, Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani. You can answer the questions.
Survey in Russian Survey in Armenian Survey in Georgian Survey in Romanian Survey in Azerbaijani
Info: The project “SAY CHEESE! Eastern Partnership Family Album. Capacity Building, Networking and Promotion of Thematic Eastern Partnership Photography” is financed by the European Union within the Eastern Partnership Culture Program.
Facebook page of the project:
Contact person: Marina Borisova, project's communication and visibility manager (Local Foundation for Promotion of International Dialogue and Cooperation "Interakcia"), +375 17 237 48 40, +375 29 873 35 82 (mobile),